Moniran Niroo Sanat Knowledge based Company
Moniran Niroo Sanat Knowledge based Company


Moniran Niroo Sanat Knowledge-Based Company was established by a team of experts, leveraging the guidance of consultants and individuals with substantial technical expertise.

Fulfilling The Needs Of The Country's Electricity Industry

One of the objectives of this research group is to provide innovative engineering solutions for the country's power and energy field.


This company is the first and only manufacturer of RTV coatings in Iran.

Special Services of Moniran Niroo Sanat

The first and only manufacturer of RTV coating in Iran

Localization based on customer needs

Application of coatings on-site at insulator production facilities.

Equipped with the country's most credible laboratories and capabilities in reverse engineering of power industry equipment.

Application of coatings on-site at distribution and transmission equipment facilities.

Engineering consulting services for the electrical and mechanical design of medium voltage overhead power lines.

We are Moniran Niroo Sanat, a knowledge-based company in Iran that leverages domestic expertise while also engaging in international activities. By providing services and products to distribution and
transmission systems in the electricity industry, we help eliminate environmental pollution such as fine dust, salt fog, and rain by increasing the reliability, lifespan and cost-effectiveness of transmission systems. Moniran Niroo Sanat is a manufacturer of durable one-component room
temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silicone rubber coatings for high voltage insulation. In our research division, we strive to excel in product quality, customer service, cost competitiveness and performance by utilizing highly skilled and knowledgeable personnel.